5 Best Free Development Tools Every Developer Should Know

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For every developer, along with the knowledge of programming language, a sound knowledge of developer tools is needed for more productive outcome.

Dealing with bugs and errors is a developers daily routine and to control the number of bugs and errors, some minor tools help a lot. Hence these tools make the life of a developer easy.

There are thousands of developer tools across the internet but there are some tools which are very important and every developer needs to know them to maintain a better work flow.

5 Best Development Tools Every Developer Should Know

GitHub needs no introduction. It is a great tool for developers/programmers who wants to work in a collaborative manner.

GitHub is a web based repository hosting server with a graphical interface. GitHub offers excellent revision control and source code management functionality of Git. GitHub is most commonly used by software developers (desktop app, mobile app, web app, ) and designers to store their code for collaborative work or public use.

Every developer wants to have a back-up of his code in cloud as he can’t take the risk of loosing project code. BitBucket is one of the best code repositories for devs to store and share their code for a more efficient and collaborative work.

Best part of Bitbucket is it is free for the storage of private codes also. It makes developers work east by enabling a better way to collaborate with their team. Unlimited private repositories flexible deployment models and are important features of bitbucket.

Slack is basically a messaging app specially for the teams of designers and developers. Slack helps developers to send files and other digital assets. Next important reason for Slack’s popularity over developer community is because it saves discussions and also creates a database of topics that are discussed.

4.OSS Discovery
OSS Discovery finds the open source software embedded in application and installed on computer. OSS Discovery help the enterprises better manage open source software usage and remain compliant with internal policies, regulation, and software license terms. This is a great way to let your customers and vendors know that you take open source licensing seriously.

5.Source Tree
SourceTree is free Git & Mercurial client for Windows and Mac and for other repositories listed above. With a variety of services, SourceTree lets developers to work with repositories. SourceTree also allows you to collaborate with people who aren’t programmers too. For Windows and Mac users, SourceTree makes version control easy and visual.