Universal Corporate Research – Peoples First Choise 1024x832

Universal Corporate Resources is one kind of Job Portal Classified Website , where job seeker can upload there resume , Chat with Corporate professional people , make Appointment and as well as Company people can hire easily from here .This website having special feature like Social Networking like LinkedIn where Job Seeker and Company Person can easily send Friend Request to other . They can create group and many things  . This website Design & Developed by GpsyPro Technologies Pvt . Ltd 


  1.   User Management
  2.   Resume Creation
  3.   Job Listing
  4.   Appointment facilities and Payment
  5.   Job Seeker Personal Dashboard
  6.   Social Login Facilities
  7.   Two types of Registration ( Company Registration / Professional & Job Seeker / Candidate )
  8. Chatting Facility
  9. Social Networking facilities
  10. Forum Facility

Category :  Website , Consultancy , Agency , Job Portal

Platform :  MVC , WordPress , Mysql